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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Moshi mochi

A yummy mouth watering Japanese sticky rice cake that will give your taste buds a great pleasure~
It is a Japanese rice cake made of glutinous rice pounded into paste and molded into shape. It comes with a few flavours of (as far as I know) green tea, red bean and yam. It is like the Japanese version of Chinese rice cake which is eaten during new year.
Different types of mochi:
Red Bean, Green Tea & Yam mochi

Green Tea Ice-Cream mochi

Grilled mochi? woah..

This is what I bought the last time I went to Miri, not sure whether its mochi tho but I assume it is ~.~

Instant mochi
For those who like sweet stuffs you should try the green tea/red bean (not the yam one) mochi in escapade

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